Looking to make 2020 your best and most fulfilling year yet? It’s almost the end of January and if you haven’t already done so — it’s time to leave the old things that aren’t bringing you success and happiness.
If you’re like most people out there, you make resolutions every year and most times, we don’t usually achieve all of them. Research shows that only about 8 percent of people who make resolutions, keep them, and that’s okay.
We should take it easy on ourselves when we make new year resolutions and look at what we’re doing to achieve set goals in 2020.
Here are some realistic and meaningful new year resolutions you can make and not stand a huge risk of failing by the time 2020 winds up:
1. Grow your "brain worth"
Learning and self-education are some of the simple but immensely important things one can do. The more “directed learning” you can do, the more you can increase your ability to live a better life on earth. Some people start out the year with a list of books to read and some just decide that they will read 20–50 books before the year ends. Now that’s a great resolution. Audiobooks are also available and some websites offer to have popular writers teach the core lessons in their books via video.
2. Skill-Up
Learning new, internationally relevant and rewarding skills has never been easier. Driven by technology and the internet, people are now acquiring new knowledge and skills at unprecedented speeds. No matter your background, if you have at least a smartphone and internet, skilling up is very possible, and important. As Ross Hall of Ashoka says, we have moved from an era of employment for life to an era of a lifetime of employability. Having a growth mindset to keep skilling up can lead to a feeling of more satisfaction or getting into better career positions.
From learning a new dish to programming and more, you could skill up and even get a better job. Some of these can be learned for free. Check out YouTube Or Edx or Google or OpenClassRooms.
3. Keep a diary/journal:
Many successful people do and recommend journaling. We all should try it out this year. It is not rocket science. It’s merely getting a notebook and writing down the highlights of your day, things you wish to achieve or change, how you feel, people you met, meetings you had, things you are grateful for, goals, etc.
It’s a great way to keep track and let off steam. And who knows, someday you may become so great and your personal notes will become valued at huge sums.
4. Build a better personality
This can range from deciding to smile more or letting go of toxic interactions and relationships and thereby having more peace of mind which will surely flow to other issues in one’s life.
It could mean focusing less on the negatives and more on positives and it could mean pursuing peace instead of the need to be right.
Whatever it means to you, it is best to capture it in words by writing them down and being aware of yourself by practicing some mindfulness.
According to Mindful, “mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”
How’s that?
5. Make Life a little Easier for Yourself Everyday
There is enough stress in the world already and one should take advantage of new innovations that make life a little easier. This is why smartphones gained traction pretty fast. You can carry a camera, timezone clock, calendar, voice recorder, music player, browser, compass, and more in one compact device.
Even better, instead of carrying 5 debit cards around, you can link them all to one account such as Paga and make payments on the go. You can also set recurring bill payments or send a loved one money one a particular date, every month, save money on bank transfer fees and so much more.
We hope one of these tips works for you this year.
Thank you for reading!
Written by: Anaturuchi Green Iroapali, Customer Experience — Paga
Making Life Possible is our ethos at Paga, and it is what keeps us committed to our mission of making it easy for 1 billion people to use and access their money. We are inspired by the stories of the community we are building and the people we are empowering by driving financial inclusion and providing simple financial access in the markets we serve.